Returns & Exchanges

At, we aim to provide our customers with the best possible shopping experience. We understand that, on occasion, you may need to return or exchange an item. To facilitate this process, we have created the following Returns & Exchanges Policy. Please read this policy carefully before initiating a return or exchange.

  1. Return and Exchange Period

You have 30 days from the date of receipt to return or exchange an item. Please note that we are unable to process returns or exchanges for items received more than 30 days after the delivery date.

  1. Eligibility for Returns & Exchanges

To be eligible for a return or exchange, your item must be in its original condition, unworn, unwashed, and with all original tags attached. We do not accept returns or exchanges for items that have been altered, damaged, or show signs of wear.

The following items are non-returnable and non-exchangeable:

  • Gift cards
  • Underwear and swimwear
  • Personalized or custom-made items
  • Clearance or final sale items
  1. How to Initiate a Return or Exchange

To initiate a return or exchange, please follow these steps:

a. Contact our customer service team via email or phone, providing your order number and the reason for your return or exchange request.
b. Our customer service team will provide you with a Return Merchandise Authorization (RMA) number and a return shipping label, if applicable.
c. Package your item securely, including the original packaging, tags, and any other items or documentation that came with your order.
d. Write the RMA number clearly on the package and affix the return shipping label if provided.
e. Ship the package to the return address provided by our customer service team.

Please note that you are responsible for return shipping costs unless the item is defective or we made an error in processing your order.

  1. Refunds

Once we receive and inspect your returned item, we will notify you via email of the approval or rejection of your refund. If your refund is approved, it will be processed within 7 business days, and a credit will be applied to your original method of payment.

  1. Exchanges

If you wish to exchange an item for a different size, color, or style, please initiate the exchange process as outlined in section 3. Once we receive your returned item, we will process the exchange and ship the new item to you. Please note that you may be responsible for additional shipping charges.

  1. International Returns & Exchanges

For international returns and exchanges, please contact our customer service team for assistance. Be aware that you may be responsible for additional shipping costs, customs fees, and taxes.

By shopping with us, you agree to comply with our Returns & Exchanges Policy. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact our customer service team for assistance.